General Rules
- Respect other players. No bullying, harassment, racism, homophobia, threats, hacking, libel, doxxing, or other similar behavior.
- This server is hosted in Hong Kong SAR. Any illegal activity will be banned.
- No destroying nor stealing other player's property.
- No spamming or game-unrelated advertising. This includes via the chatroom, signs displaying text, etc.
- The decisions of the server owner are final.
Moderation Team
- The Moderation Team consists of:
- The server owner; and
- players appointed by the server owner (moderators).
- The duties of members in the Moderation Team are:
- To enforce the rules;
- To maintain order on the server; and
- To assist other players.
- To perform the above duties, members in the Moderation Team may exercise any privileges granted by the server owner.