Moderation:Moderation Documents/Judgments/2024-07-13/lole stealing

From 1F616EMO Survival Server Wiki

All the dates and times used are in UTC+8.

On 2024-07-13, RelaxingPlay reported his mineshaft was filled with condensed cobble, later discovered that his digtron was gone.

After investigating, lole was found responsible for grieving and stealing.

A week of ban is given to lole.

Mail 1

This is a mail send by 1F616EMO to lole and all members of the Moderation Team.

Subject: Judgment of lole's grief and theft acts

Dear lole:

You are banned for one week for committing grief and theft. If you commit again after the ban, you will be permanently banned.

Article 3 of the General Rules says destroying or stealing other player's property without their consent is prohibited. Concluded from the first half of relevant logs, you stole from Chizuru, 1F616EMO, RelaxingPlay, alcantaramark13, Cute_Witch, Lefei, and Klo, as well as grieved structures belonging to RelaxingPlay.

Detailed evidence and a list of stolen assets are being sorted out. Relevant logs can be provided on request.

Yours truly,

Judgment made according to the Rules, revision 2819.