Moderation:Moderation Documents/Judgments/2024-08-28/HobBobHob spamming

From 1F616EMO Survival Server Wiki

All times in this document are in UTC+8. Unless otherwise stated, the times are taken (or, for actions involving chat commands, inferred) from the corresponding entries in the Telegram bridge.

HobBobHob spammed the chat at around 18:13. y5nw revoked the shout privilege from the player shortly afterward and restored the shout privilege at 18:16 ("HobBobHob: I have reinstsated your shout privilege. No spamming"). HobBobHob sent a single later, at 18:22, and left at 18:30 without sending further messages.

The revocation of the shout privilege was performed as a temporary measure based on the consideration that

  • The messages sent by the accused player had a negative impact on the order of the server, requiring moderator action (Moderation Team Rule 2.2). While there was no ongoing conversation at the time, the chat messages sent by HobBobHob disturbed the chatroom, reducing its usability as a medium of communication.
  • The messages were sent on quick succession without any meaningful explanation (Rule 7).
  • The revocation of the shout privilege significantly limits the player's ability to interact with other players, which is not justifiable as a long-term measure given the relatively low severity of the actions of the accused player (Moderation Team Rule 4.1).