- 建構一個正向互助的遊戲社羣;及
- 對玩家而言,保持伺服器穩定和有趣。
- Be a good part of the community. No bullying, harassment, racism, homophobia, threats, hacking, libel, doxxing, or other similar behavior.
- This server is hosted in Hong Kong SAR. Any illegal activity will be banned.
- No destroying nor stealing other player's property without their consent.
- Replant any crops and trees you harvest in public farms.
- Protect your buildings. However, avoid excess protecting.
- Avoid building lag sources, e.g. high-frequency Luacontrollers.
- No spamming, begging, or game-unrelated advertising. This includes via the chatroom, signs displaying text, etc.
- Do not needlessly cuss.
- Avoid controversial topics, i.n. politics.
- The decisions of the server owner are final. The server owner may authorize other players to exercise one or more functions.
Moderation Team
These rules defines the composition and the duties of moderators.
- Moderators are the server owner and players appointed by the server owner.
- The duties of moderators are:
- To enforce the rules;
- To maintain order on the server; and
- To assist other players.
- For exercising moderation actions (kicking, banning, jailing):
- The action should, while achieving the goal, deal with minimum impact on the involved players and the community; and
- (If done by a non-owner moderator) After such actions, the actor should inform the server owner immediately.
- All judgments shall be recorded.
- Any players unsatisfied with the decision of moderators should contact the server owner.
Building Tips
These are recommendations of buildings.
- Avoid cobbleboxes. Cobbleboxes are buildings lacking variations in building materials and appearance, usually built with cobblestones. Use circular saws to shape materials, and use different materials.
- Leave at least 2 blocks of clearance above the water surface to allow boats to pass.
- Respect natural landscapes whenever possible. If the landscape is damaged, reshape it so that it looks reasonable.
Subsidiary Rules
- The server owner may establish, modify, or repeal subsidiary rules. Subsidiary rules are part of the rules.
- Subsidiary rules are not necessary server-wide.
- The following subsidiary rules are in effect: