Project:Rules/Regional Rules of SmushyVille

From 1F616EMO Survival Server Wiki


  1. This subsidiary rule is active in SmushyVille County.
  2. The mayor of SmushyVille County is 1F616EMO.

Newcomers Plots

Appointment of Newcomers' Plots

  1. The mayor may appoint any plots in SmushyVille County they sell as Newcomers' Plot. Such an appointment can be canceled at any time.
  2. Before selling the plot, a sign must be set up on Newcomers' Plots for players to identify.

Taking back Newcomers' Plots

  1. By taking back a newcomers' plot:
    1. The ownership of the plot is transferred from the current owner to the mayor;
    2. The plot should be returned to its original state; and
    3. Any properties obtained during the above process should be returned to the current owner.

Unoccupied Newcomers' Plots

  1. Newcomers' plots should be occupied, i.e. a reasonable person would see the structures on the plot as a building (whether finished or not).
  2. If a plot is left unoccupied for 4 consecutive days, the plot can be taken back.
  3. The owner should be informed and warned about the situation 2 days before taking back the plot for the above reason.

Newcomers Plots with semi-construction

  1. Buildings on newcomers' plots should be finished within 30 days. A building is finished if a reasonable person may consider it finished.
  2. If all buildings on a plot are left unfinished for 30 consecutive days, the plot can be taken back.
  3. The owner should be informed and warned about the situation 10 days and 2 days before taking back the plot for the above reason.