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Administration:Moderation Documents/Judgments/2024-09-16/ccLOLE stealing

From 1F616EMO Survival Server Wiki

On 2024-09-16, LOLLOL and LOLEEE, having technical relationship with ccLOLE, stole items from lole[1], Otter, and Althea112313.

Items stolen

Items and Quantity
  • default:pine_tree at least 1
  • farming:coffee_cup 1
  • animalia:poultry_raw 5
  • farming:oat 16
  • farming:wheat 13
  • animalia:chicken_egg 4
  • basic_signs:sign_wall_steel_red 1
  • basic_signs:sign_wall_steel_green 1
  • default:apple 29 (Returned)
  • animalia:mutton_raw 8 (Returned)
  • ethereal:bamboo_sprout 3 (Returned)
  • ethereal:strawberry 99 (Returned)
  • ethereal:bamboo 39 (Returned)
  • farming:lettuce 2 (Returned)
  • farming:tomato 99 (Returned 92/99)
  • default:glass 48 (Returned 41/48)
  • default:dirt 38 (Returned 7/38)
  • ethereal:sakura_leaves2 99
  • ethereal:sakura_leaves 91
  • ethereal:sakura_leaves2 99
  • ethereal:sakura_leaves2 55
  • ethereal:sakura_leaves 92
  • cottages:fence_small 19
  • cottages:fence_corner 3
  • default:sapling 41
  • ethereal:sakura_sapling 37
  • animalia:feather 3
  • moreblocks:stair_wood 2
  • default:stick 97 (Returned 87/97)
  • flowers:waterlily 2

Bans given

Actor Target Start End Message
1F616EMO LOLLOL 2024-09-16 06:57:16 Thu Sep 26 06:57:16 2024 Voler à lole (vous n'avez jamais prouvé que vous étiez lole), Otter, et Althea112313. Banni pour 10 jours car ce n'est pas la première fois. SI TU VOLES ENCORE D'AUTRES JOUEURS, TU SERAS BANNI POUR TOUJOURS ! Appel :
LOLEcc 2024-09-16 07:01:16 Thu Sep 26 07:01:16 2024 Contournement de l'interdiction: Voler à lole (vous n'avez jamais prouvé que vous étiez lole), Otter, et Althea112313. Banni pour 10 jours car ce n'est pas la première fois. SI TU VOLES ENCORE D'AUTRES JOUEURS, TU SERAS BANNI POUR TOUJOURS ! Appel :
LOOOLEEE 2024-09-16 07:13:09 Thu Sep 26 07:13:09 2024
LOLEEEE 2024-09-16 21:24:35 Thu Sep 26 21:24:35 2024

Mails sent

Mail sent from 1F616EMO to the Moderation Team

From: 1F616EMO
To: admin_mail:moderators
Subject: Yet ANOTHER ban on .*L+O+L+E*.*
*sigh* yet another. More on

Something I've done (I will finish my report later):

1. Banned LOLLOL and their sockpuppets for 10 days 2. Banned any player creation with name matching "L+O+L+"

If they ever steal again, you can permaban them (ignore the "no longer than 7 days" rules)

From: 1F616EMO
To: admin_mail:moderators
Subject: Re: Yet ANOTHER ban on .*L+O+L+E*.*
Something to add:


(lole and their puppets are not included as they never proved their relationship)

Full log:

(internal, log in as sysop to view)

> ...(The mail above)

Mail sent from 1F616EMO to ccLOLE and their sockpuppets

From: 1F616EMO
Cc: admin_mail:moderators
Subject: Interdit de séjour pendant 10 jours pour vol

Cher ccLOLE,

Tu as été banni pendant dix jours pour avoir volé Lilina, vomoid et xps. Certains de tes sockpuppets ont également été bannis pour avoir tenté de contourner les bannissements.

Ceci est ton dernier avertissement. En tant qu'administrateur du serveur, je peux retracer vos actions, y compris le fait de prendre des objets dans les réserves d'autres joueurs. Si vous volez à nouveau, vous risquez d'être banni à jamais sans autre avertissement.

Nous vous invitons à participer à ce serveur si vous cessez vos actes non constructifs, c'est-à-dire si vous respectez le droit de possession des autres et si vous cessez de voler.

Si vous souhaitez faire appel, répondez à cet e-mail en jeu ou envoyez un e-mail à

Je vous prie d'agréer, Madame, Monsieur, l'expression de mes salutations distinguées, 1F616EMO

From: 1F616EMO
To: admin_mail:moderators
Subject: (Original) Interdit de séjour pendant 10 jours pour vol
Dear ccLOLE,

You were banned for ten days for stealing from Lilina, vomoid, and xps. Some of your sockpuppets were banned too because of attempting to bypass bans.

This is your final warning. As the server administrator, I can trace your actions, including taking items from other player's storages. If you steal again, you may be banned forever without further warning.

We would welcome you to participate on this server if you stop nonconstructive acts, that is, to respect other's right of possession and stop stealing.

If you wish to appeal, please reply to this in-game e-mail, or send an e-mail to

Yours truly, 1F616EMO


  1. ^ Neither LOLLOL, LOLEEE, nor any technically related accounts, have proven they were lole. Therefore, taking items from them is considered theft. cf. 2024-09-10/ccLOLE stealing.