
From 1F616EMO Survival Server Wiki

This template creates a fake template call in the form of how it would look in wikitext in source editor.


See Template Data for extra functions.
{{T|Template Name|v# = Variable Input|p# = Fixed Input|P# = Fixed Input with "let_parse" functionality|Fixed Input|_Y_ = 1}}

  • Direct usage of named parameters is allowed but they will be displayed at a random order and always after any and all parameters with specified order, to specify an order please use p#, P# or v#
  • Add (()) around any string to give it variable formatting
  • block — display the template code in block formatting
  • NC — display the template code outside <code> formatting
  • let_parse — allow parsing of input as to allow for custom placed <nowiki> tags
  • _Y_ — include to automatically display the expected input with the parameters given
    • no_joint — remove the yield: text from the string that joins the fake template call and the yield (removed by default on Infobox Templates)
    • _Ybr_ — same functionality but adds a forced line break after the yields: for those templates that require to be on a line of their own.
    • _Yn_ — same functionality but adds a line break after the yields: for those templates that require to be on a line of their own but do not allow for artificial line break.


Without Parameters

{{T|Card}} yields: {{Card}}
{{T|Item}} yields: {{Item}}

With Parameter

{{T|Card|Xiao}} yields: {{Card|Xiao}}
{{T|Item|Berry}} yields: {{Card|Berry}}

With Multiple Parameters

{{T|Card|p1 = Xiao|v2 = equipped=weapon name}} yields: {{Card|Xiao|equipped = weapon name}}
{{T|Item|p1 = Berry|v2 = x=ammount of the item}} yields: {{Item|Berry|x = ammount of the item}}

Direct Usage Of Named Parameters

{{T|Card|The Widsith|equipped = Xiao|refinement = 4|mini = 1}} yields: {{Card|The Widsith|mini = 1|refinement = 4|equipped = Xiao}}

Custom Variable Formatting

{{T|Card|p1 = Xiao|v2 = ((equipped/e))=weapon name}} yields: {{Card|Xiao|equipped/e = weapon name}}
{{T|Item|P1 = B((err))y|v2 = x=ammount of the item}} yields: {{Item|Berry|x = ammount of the item}}

Block Format

{{T|Item|p1 = Berry|v2 = x=ammount of the item|block = 1}} yields:
|x = ammount of the item

Template Data

Template for displaying fake template calls as they would show in source editor mode.

Template parameters

Templatetext 1

Name of the template to make a fake call to

Variable Inputv#

To be used to indicate that the true template call is expected to replace the given value by appropriate text, replace "#" by the number of the parameter to be represented

Fixed Input with let_parsep#

To be used to indicate that the true template call should use the value indicated as-is, while allowing the input text to be parsed as wikitext before being passed into the module, replace "#" by the number of the parameter to be represented

Fixed Input (Parsed)P#

To be used to indicate that the true template call should use the value indicated as-is while parsing the input to allow for the usage of html tags inside it, like <nowiki>, replace "#" by the number of the parameter to be represented

Boldbold b

Option for bold formatting.

Italicitalic i

Option for italic formatting.

Underlineunderline u

Option for underline formatting.

Ref Tagref r

Option for adding <ref></ref> tags.


id:Templat:T/doc it:Template:T/doc ja:テンプレート:T/doc ko:틀:T/doc pt-br:Predefinição:T/doc th:แม่แบบ:T/doc uk:Шаблон:T/doc vi:Bản mẫu:T/doc